A downloadable Game Jam Game


This game was made for the Untitled Game Jam #94. There are some issues with the AI and the lighting, since I had like four hours to try to fix all the problems and publish it.  The size of the screen also has a problem and it's brighter than in the editor for some reason, but I wanted to get it out for the jam :)

You wake up in TM Labs, the labs where mutants are being made and cloned. The exit door is locked, and you can't get out. Find all of the keys to escape.

HOWEVER: There is a catch. These mutants are known to not react well to humans. However, you've heard that they're only small and undeveloped. So it shouldn't be too hard, but just keep an eye out for them.


- You can hear the mutants growl when you die

- Cool post-processing effects

- Growing mutants

- Red lights shining out of the mutants

- Small headbob animation to add more depth to the walking


- The usual WASD to move

- Run into keys to pick them up (if you can't pick it up, try from different angles)

- Run into locked doors to open them (if you have a key)

- Q to quit

- Rightclick for flashlight

- Shift to walk faster


- Lab pack by Animatics Studio

- Mutants by GRIGORIYARX

- Ambience by N91MUSIC

- Growling by Sound Bits

- Key and door system by CodeMonkey

- Key and lock models by CG CELL

(As you can tell, I used a lot of free models because I had like three days to make this)


Sealed Growth.zip 66 MB

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